Picture taken from The Sydney Morning Herald site
The Sabah Sarawak Rights in Australia and New Zealand (SSRANZ) has expressed full support for the call by the Victorian Farmers Federation horticulture group (VFF) for an amnesty to allow foreign workers without a permit to be protected and to address a worker shortage on farms.

SSRANZ President Robert Pei congratulated the VFF horticulture group’s president Emma Germano on her organization’s enlightened proposal and welcomed such a humanitarian solution.

He said one of SSRANZ’s founding objectives was to seek such a solution for many Sabahans and Sarawakians from East Malaysia (on Borneo Island) living and working in Australia without work permits. According to his organization’s research the number of Sabahans and Sarawakians was estimated at around 2,000 people who are working in mainly low paid farm and labouring jobs. Many of them cannot even speak English or just have a poor command of the language.

These people are working for pay which is well below the Australian national minimum wage level such as for less than AUD15.00 an hour. At the same time they are being exploited by unscrupulous middle men or recruiting agents who take a percentage of their pay as commission for assisting in seeking employment for them. 

The workers have come to Australia to escape poverty and mass unemployment arising from lack of any meaningful economic development in their home states. Sabah and Sarawak have remained economically backward territories since the former British colonial government transferred its sovereignty over these colonies to the Malayan Federation then renamed “Malaysia” under the Malaysia Agreement Treaty (MA63) in 1963.

BACKGROUND: The unemployment situation is a consequence of discriminatory official policy which violated Sabah Sarawak rights guaranteed by the MA63 Treaty. In 1969 the Malaysian Federal Government extended its jurisdiction over Sabah and Sarawak’s continental shelf and their oil & gas resources and consolidated its control by passing the Petroleum Development Act (PDA 1974). In 1976 both states had to formally surrender control of all their oilfields in their territorial seas boundary. These acts were illegal and unconstitutional as they were not a negotiated term of the Malaysia Agreement. The Federal seizure and exploitation of their wealth was implemented under the race religion based discriminatory New Economic Policy from 1970. This led to a “lopsided development” whereby Sabah and Sarawak oil and gas wealth have been channelled to reinforce the economic and political position of the dominant race by focusing development on the peninsula states. The 2 Borneo states were neglected with further marginalization of Sabah and Sarawak people as most jobs were given to Malayans. Many rural areas remain in shocking poverty deprived of basic facilities such as piped drinking water and electricity now taken for granted in the peninsula. It is not surprising that they have become the most impoverished parts of Malaysia. 

Many people have come to see the federal relationship as foreign, exploitative and colonial in character filled with “failed promises and shattered dreams of prosperity and development”. An example of failed development is the Borneo Highway (from Sarawak to Sabah) a Federal project for the 1500 km trunk road launched in 1966 “to accelerate economic development”, has taken over 50 years and still not completed. In the meantime the Malayan peninsula communications was vastly advanced by the construction of one of the best “road systems in Asia”. He said the “lop-sided development” also saw the massive development of a one-crop oil palm colonialist plantation economy in the 2 states. He said local people were discouraged from working in this economic sector because these mainly foreign Malayan owned plantations paid exploitative low wages with very poor working conditions. Thus the locals have been largely replaced by illegal or foreign contract workers in both the territories.

The general local mass unemployment in most areas led to thousands of young people leaving their home states to seek jobs in the Malayan peninsula, Singapore and elsewhere especially in Australia. He said the Malaysian Federal Government could slow down the exodus of local workers overseas if it would just raised the pitifully low wages and working conditions in Sabah and Sarawak to at least match the peninsula level or surpass that, because unfair Federal taxes on the 2 territories have added to the high cost of living there. The Federal Government should also ensure that local and foreign companies passed on to the people part of the huge profits they make from exploiting expropriated Sabah Sarawak land and resources. 

SSRANZ President said Australia is an attraction as even the low pay for one day is more than what a labourer would earn in a week at home. The minimum wage in Sabah and Sarawak is RM920 (Malaysian ringgit) about AUD250 per month in contrast with the peninsula workers who get RM1000 ringgit a month. In Australia they would probably be getting AUD2500 a month which is about RM8500 ringgit representing a small fortune for many. This is why many are prepared to endure comparative poor wages in Australia as it was still better than not working at home. 

In addressing the issue of Sabahan and Sarawakian workers in Australia Robert said his organization would welcome the opportunity to work with the VFF and any other interest groups to seek an amnesty to assist these desperate people. If the Australian federal government would grant a general amnesty for these people it would also be a humanitarian gesture and be likened to a form of reversed economic aid to the developing nations while Australia would benefit from the foreign input to ease the labour shortage in the local economy.

SSRANZ is working on presenting a submission to the Australian Federation Government on this issue.

Source: SSRANZ

AN AMNESTY to flush out ­illegal workers and end exploitation on Australian farms, proposed by Victoria’s fruit and vegetable farmers, has won initial support from unions.
Australian Workers’ Union Victorian secretary Ben Davis said the proposal had “some merit”.
“It’s a long time since the AWU has agreed with the VFF,” Mr Davis said.
“I like the idea of self-­disclosure in the short term  and would support an amnesty that protected workers.”
VFF horticulture president Emma Germano proposed extending working visas for workers who came forward during the amnesty by up to three years.
But Mr Davis believed 12 months “is more appropriate,” and called for whistleblower protection for any workers who could provide information about illegal labour-hire contractors.
“Exploitation is far more widespread than we thought and a culture of silence and the culture of fear that goes with it is the problem,” Mr Davis said.
The Uniting Church’s ­social justice spokesman, Mark Zirnsak, agreed permanent whistleblower protection was required to address underlying problems with worker exploitation.
“I think it’s a great idea,” Mr Zirnsak said of the amnesty.
The National Union of Workers said many farmers wanted a “meaningful solution for undocumented workers” and it welcomed an amnesty designed to protect workers.
“The NUW supports the idea of an amnesty for the thousands of undocumented workers trapped in exploitative work arrangements in the fresh food farms that supply our major supermarkets,” NUW national president Caterina Cinanni said.
“As it stands, there are 1.2 million temporary migrant workers with work rights and thousands of others with no work rights doing the hardest jobs in this country for the smallest reward.”
Victorian Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford commended farmers for raising the proposal.
“I welcome the acknowledgment by the VFF that there is a problem with the exploitation of vulnerable workers in the sector,” Ms Pulford said.
“A short-term amnesty sounds like a good idea, but there really needs to be a pathway to citizenship to give workers and farmers the certainty and security they deserve.”
A Federal Government spokeswoman said it was aware of the challenges farmers faced attracting workers and it took exploitation of workers seriously, having established a taskforce to target exploitation of foreign workers.

Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) NGO President Robert Pei commented that the recent Pakatan Harapan (PH) Kuching announcement on 25 Sept 2017 to “re-negotiate MA63” and the Sarawak Government’s current negotiations with the Federal Government on Sarawak rights raised issues on the validity of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

The federation agreement was hastily drawn up by the United Kingdom and signed on 9 July 1963 by the 4 component members of the proposed federation Malaya, Singapore North Borneo and Sarawak, as well as the UK, being the colonial power in control of the last 3 named territories till 16 Sept 1963.

Mr. Pei a Sarawak born lawyer practising in Melbourne said the Malaysian Opposition’s MA63 oriented election campaign in Sarawak and Sabah emphasised the fundamental importance of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 Treaty in defining and governing the relationship between the 2 Borneo states and the Federal Government as partners of the Malaysian Federation.

He said the PH Kuching meeting and the recriminations (blaming each other) that followed with the Sarawak Government certainly had the positive impact of sharply focusing public attention on the lost rights and issues of the state’s membership in the Federation.

He said there are legal issues involved in the re-negotiation of a treaty. One that stands out is the long-established international legal principle (codified by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties “VCLT”) that only sovereign countries have the capacity to make treaties with other countries.

On 9 July 1963 Sabah Sarawak and Singapore were still British colonies and not sovereign states with powers to make treaties. It was a practice of the British Empire (in accordance with the mentioned legal principle) that it had never authorised any of its colony to independently enter into treaties. At the time the British government was informed by its MA63 draftsmen that as neither North Borneo or Sarawak were sovereign (independent states) they could not be parties to the Treaty. This means that MA63 was null and void from the beginning and not binding on Sarawak or Sabah even as signatories. It leaves open the question whether the 2 colonies were ever de-colonized.

He said therefore before Pakatan Harapan or the Sarawak Government proceeds any further on MA63 they should also seriously review the implications of a void Treaty such as whether the former Federation of Malaya had legally assumed British sovereignty over Sarawak and Sabah. If not then the issues of whether de-colonization of the 2 territories has in fact taken place and if the UN should step in to properly implement de-colonization have to be explored.

It follows that for Sarawak and Sabah to now re-negotiate MA63 means that they must have international standing as sovereign states and this can only be legally done if they first become independent from the Federation like Singapore.

Mr. Pei said even if MA63 was validly made, Singapore exit from “Malaysia” on 9 August 1965 had terminated the Treaty as the basis for Sarawak and Sabah entering the Federation (as 2 of 4 component states forming Malaysia) was destroyed. This conclusion was made in the Kuching Municipal Council resolution on 24 August 1965 which called on the Sarawak Government to hold a referendum for the people to decide whether they wish for Sarawak to remain in the Federation.

Further, Singapore exit was negotiated only between Malaya and Singapore without the participation of the 2 Borneo states. They were not given any opportunity to reconsider their changed nature of their status in the Federation but were locked in by the Federal declaration of a state of emergency to stop the then Sarawak government’s attempt to pull out from the Federation.

He asked whether being coerced into being a member of a federation was legal in international law.

Taking his point on MA63 validity further, Mr. Pei said even if MA63 were valid after Singapore’s exit the Federal Government had fatally breached the treaty over 54 years of failure to make good Malaysia formation promises and guarantees to Sarawak and Sabah and respect their special rights by taking them away. Special rights were agreed as a condition for the two colonies to give up their right to independence. This “erosion of rights” has been acknowledged by the Prime Minister himself by publicly stating that “eroded” Sarawak rights should be restored.

The Opposition PH has blamed the current Prime Minister’s father for the loss and the Sarawak Government has come out to blame Dr Mahathir, President of Harapan for not defending and protecting their rights during his 22 years in power.

So between the two of them, the public now knows that the blame really lies with the entire UMNO BN government since 1963 for major breaches of fundamental MA63 terms by its failure to faithfully abide by the international agreement.

However, instead of “reviewing or implementing MA63” or even re-negotiating a treaty which was apparently legally concluded in 1963, he called on both sides especially the state governments to first ask whether the Treaty has benefited and served the interests of Sarawak (and Sabah). And if not, whether they should continue their membership in the Federation after 54 years which saw the 2 states reduced in status from formation partners to mere states and became the poorest territories in the Federation.

This relationship has been largely a one-way benefit for the peninsular which was developed at the expense Sarawak and Sabah with their petroleum wealth. This demonstrated the utter failure of Malaysia formation justifications of development and prosperity. Sabah has suffered from the shocking breach of its rights by the illegals/refugees problem created by the Federal government under Dr. Mahathir as UMNO’s vote bank to maintain federal control over Sabah and the unresolved issue of the Philippines Sabah claim pursuant to the Manila Accord 1963 which led to the Sulu invasion of January 2013.

Mr. Pei said it may be concluded that under the legal principle of repudiation of treaties as stated in Article 60 VCLT the 54 years of failure to observe MA63 amounted to a termination of the Treaty by the Federation as the signatory to it.

He said it is the legal and moral obligation of both the Sarawak and Sabah Governments to raise this matter with the Federal Government and consider the option to accept the termination as an end to MA63 other than continuing the Federal relationship.

He said both PH and the Sarawak government desperately wanted to revive what might be a dead treaty to pacify the groundswell of discontent over. The offer to re-negotiate MA63 may indicate that PH legal experts have also concluded that the treaty was invalid. Hence the PH offer might be an attempt to cover up the flaw with a “New Deal” to re-negotiate MA63 with “5 Thrusts on Sarawak rights” and the “promise to guarantee” to deliver these promises if they are elected to power. On the other hand, one wonders why the Sarawak government has been “negotiating” with the Federal government on a set of rights which were agreed to in 1963 without fully disclosing the details to the public.

Mr. Pei concluded his remarks by saying that the rights of the Sarawak and Sabah people should not be negotiable but these were bargained away by the UK and Malaya and our inexperienced leaders in 1963 without iron cast “Guarantees and Assurance of special rights” and safeguarded by the right to exit the federation if things did not work out.

Source: SSRANZ

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president. Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee, has reiterated that peninsula-based parties wanting to contest in Sabah Would be contrary to their vow of ensuring Sabah’s autonomy under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

“The basic principle is that Malaya parties contest in Malaya; Sabah parties contest in Sabah. This is the principle of MA63 which the Malaya-based parties now say they will respect. But Malaya-based parties want to contest in Sabah, which would be contrary to their vow of ensuring Sabah’s autonomy under MA63.

“So, if Malaya-based parties want to contest in Sabah, they should authorize their leaders to start discussion with Sabah parties.” he said when asked to comment on Sabah Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) acting chief cum Api-Api assemblywoman Christina Liew’s statement that there was room for negotiations to reach the target of a straight fight between BN and the opposition.

Meanwhile, Parti Harapan Rakyat Sabah (Harapan Rakyat) president, Datuk Seri Panglima Lajim Ukin, has urged peninsula-based opposition parties to consider not contesting in Sabah in the 14th General Election (GE14). Lajim said peninsula-based opposition parties should instead work with their local-based counterparts and give the latter their support in the election.

During the SAPP congress in October, Yong had said that peninsula-based opposition parties should recognize that Sabah already has strong local opposition parties, namely, SAPP, Parti Cinta Sabah (PCS) and Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STAR) under the United Sabah Alliance (USA), Parti Warisan Sabah and now Harapan Rakyat. Yong had said that Malaya-based parties should respect their local opposition counterparts in Sabah and not contest in the State in compliance with MA63. On another note, Yong said that discussions between USA and Harapan Rakyat was ongoing.

If you chose no. 1

Unfortunately, you are someone who gives up often. You have an opinion that you just can’t influence the situation, so that’s why you tend to accept the terms given to you. You usually never argue and speaking in general, you prefer to behave very quiet and peaceful, because of any kind of a hassle, arguing and scandals make you feel sad. You have a kind heart and you are an honest person.

If you chose no. 2

You are the kind of person which tends to make hurried decisions. You usually do not give yourself enough time to analyze the whole situation, so you are making mistakes that could be previously avoided. Also, many people find you stubborn person.

If you chose no. 3

You are a kind of person who always goes till the end. You hardly give up and you fight for your rights to the last moment in almost every situation. You have the ability to become an excellent businessman, as thinking over different strategies is one of your main hobbies! You could definitely make a big success in this field.

If you chose no. 4

You are a real rebel in life! In some situations, you are capable to fight even against yourself, just to prove something. But, all those “little games” make you stop thinking rationally, though. One thing is sure, you are a born revolutionary.

Image source: interesting-facts.info

Saban hari kita sering mendengar keluhan masyarakat di sekeliling mengenai kos sarah hidup yang semakin hari semakin meningkat. Melalui kehidupan seharian kita sendiri, kita juga merasakan bebanan itu. Bukan sahaja mereka yang tinggal di bandar merasakan bebanan ini, malah mereka yang tinggal di luar bandar khususnya mereka yang tinggal di pedalaman turut mendapat tempias.

Hari ini saya bertanya kepada seorang rakan, sudahkah dia menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang rakyat yang menentukan masa depan Negara? (sudah daftar untuk mengundi atau belum) Saya diajukan jawaban, “malaslah..saya tak suka campur hal politik”.

Jika 90% generasi muda yang mempunyai cara pemikiran yang sedemikian, apakah yang akan terjadi dengan Negara kita?? Setiap hari, bukan sahaja mereka yang diperingkat berumuran mengeluh dengan cara pemimpin memimpin Negara kita, malah generasi muda juga sudah mulai mengeluh malah sesetengah daripada mereka sudah mulai berani untuk memberontak. Salahkah kita apabila kita memberontak?? Pemberontakan tidak akan terjadi jikalau pemimpin mendengar keluhan rakyat. Pemborantakan tidak akan terjadi jika pemimpin mengetahui dan memahami apa yang diperlukan dan diinginkan oleh rakyat. 

Apabila seseorang pemimpin itu membawa beban kepada rakyat, masih layakkah beliau menjadi seorang pemimpin? Masihkah rakyat memerlukan pemimpin seperti itu? Pemimpin itu adalah seorang yang membawa kita keluar daripada tanah yang kering. Pemimpin itu adalah seorang yang membawa kita kepada padang rumput yang hijau! Bukan yang membawa kita kepada kehancuran, kebinasaan, kesengsaraan, kemiskinan dan penindasan. 

Kita yang hidup tanah Sabah ini merasakan beban itu. Tidak ada yang terkecuali selain daripada mereka yang kroupsi. Walaupun mempunyai pekerjaan sama ada dalam sektor kerajaan mahupun swasta, semuanya merasakan beban ini. Walau ada di kalangan kita ini adalah ahli perniagaan, mereka juga turut merasakan beban ini.

Kepada Gen-Y diluar sana, sanggupkah anda melihat derita dan beban yang ditanggung oleh Sabahan selama 54th bersama membentuk sebuah Persekutuan yang dikenali sebagai Persekutuan Malaysia ini?? kenapa saya tekankan ‘GEN-Y’ ? kerana Generasi muda inilah generasi yang akan memeggang tanah pusaka ini suatu hari nanti. Jika pemahaman politik ataupun kesedaran politik di kalangan generasi muda masa kini masih kurang, apa yang akan jadi pada tanah ini suatu hari nanti? Dengan sifat tidak ingin ambil tahu, apakah nasib tanah ini di masa akan datang? Masihkah ianya milik kita lagi ataupun bumi yang dipijak sudah menjadi milik orang lain?

Politik bukan urusanmu? Benarkah? Saya ingin bertanya, jika ianya bukan urusan kamu, urusan siapakah? Orang tua? Ibubapa? Orang lain? Rakan? Siapa? Jika kamu mengatakan ‘orang tua’, yang masih dalam golongan muda sekarang, tidakkah anda akan mennjadi tua di masa akan datang? Adakah anda menunggu hari tua anda baru anda mahu melibatkan diri? Anda tidak berminat dengan hal-hal yang mellibatkan politik? Tahukah anda, politik itu bermula daripada diri sendiri. Anda suka mahupun tidak, anda sudah berpolitik dengann diri sendiri! Jadi masihkah anda ingin mengatakan anda tidak suka akan hal-hal yang melibatkan politik?

Politik itu bermula daripada diri sendiri – keluarga – sekeliling – masyarakat dan seterusnya kesedaran yang membawa anda untuk mahu mengubahnya. Siapa yang mengubah? Saya? Kamu? Mereka? TIDAK! Kitalah yang akan mengubahnya.

Mahukah anda melihat tanah pusaka yang diturunkan oleh nenek moyangmu ini menjadi milik orang asing suatu hari nanti? 

Mahukan anda melihat anak cucu cicitmu mengemis ditanah pusakamu ini? 

Mahukah anda menjadi pelarian di tanah warisan turun temurun ini? 

Bayangkan raut wajah para pejuang yang sudah berhempas pulas mengorbankan masa dan wang ringgit bahkah mengorbankan nyawa hanya kerana ingin memberikan kita tanah yang bertuah ini. 

Hentikan keluhanmu. Sertailah perjuangan ini. Kelak anak cucu kita tidak akan rugi.

Salam sayang SABAH, Sabah for Sabahans,

Dari saya,

Ellshera Yap Len 
Sabahan Aktivis

Sabah Sarawak Rights – Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) a non-governmental organisation (NGO) was launched on 18 August 2017 in Melbourne Australia and registered with the Consumer Affairs Victoria on 22 August 2017.

Mr. Robert Pei a Melbourne lawyer and President of the organization said that the NGO will be based in Victoria. He said SSRANZ has been formed to promote awareness of the Sabah and Sarawak people’s human and civil rights in Malaysia in the Australia New Zealand region.

He said in 1963 the United Kingdom hastily transferred its sovereignty over the colonies of Sabah Sarawak and Singapore to the Federation of Malaya, then re-named “Malaysia” under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) an international treaty. The MA63 Treaty was null and void from the beginning as it was made in breach of a number of fundamental international laws including the legal principle that only sovereign (independent) states had capacity to make treaties and in violation of the Manila Accord 1963 and United Nations’ Resolutions 1514 and 1541. 

The UK never granted the 2 colonies and Singapore real independence nor were the people allowed to freely decide in a referendum on the Malaysia question when MA63 was signed on 9 July 1963. Even if MA63 had been validly made, Singapore’s exit from Malaysia in 1965 nullified MA63 by destroying the basis for Sabah and Sarawak's entry into "Malaysia" which was structured on 4 component States. But the 2 territories were prevented from leaving and since then the Sabah Sarawak people have increasingly seen their loss of rights and freedom nominally guaranteed by MA63. The campaign for these rights confirms that the Federal Government had acted in bad faith by treating MA63 as not binding and effectively repudiated the Treaty and as such it is no longer binding on Sabah and Sarawak.

Over 55 years “Malaysia formation” promises of development and prosperity of the 2 territories and many MA63 terms were never faithfully honoured as both their internal affairs and natural resources (especially oil and gas) came under direct Federal control. Ironically they have become the 2 poorest “States” in the Federation because their rich resources taken away through deprivation of State and people’s rights, were diverted to develop mainland Malayan states. They became colonial dependencies of Malaya. In those many years the people’s voice have often been harshly silenced with imprisonment of critics with anti-human rights laws. Although the notorious Internal Security Act 1960 has been abolished along with the lifting of several “state of emergency declarations” from 1948, this has been replaced by even more stringent security laws. 

Despite this, the situation has changed dramatically in recent times with the rise of Sabah Sarawak popular movements for State and human rights. This development has even compelled the Sarawak State government to belatedly press for the return of State rights taken away by the Federal government over the years. In line with such moves and the home movements for social justice and self-determination, SSRANZ will support the people’s quest to restore their rights and freedoms. 

In conclusion Mr. Pei said Sabah and Sarawak shared a similar history and culture and SSRANZ will work with all Sabah and Sarawak organisations and people who share the same aspirations and common future goal for self-determination. He said the motto of the new organisation is “The Future is our Goal”.

Source: SSRANZ

AUSTRALIA, 1 September 2017: Sebuah Pertubuhan Organisasi Bukan Kerajaan (Non-Governmental Organisation) peringkat antarabangsa yang berjuang untuk menyokong gerakan kemerdekaan negara Sabah dan negara Sarawak telah ditubuhkan di Australia dengan nama Sabah Sarawak Rights - Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) pada 22 Ogos 2017. 

Presiden organisasi ini yang bernama En.Robert Pei merupakan seorang peguam di Melbourne berkata bahawa NGO ini akan bertempat di Victoria. Pertubuhan SSRANZ adalah untuk mempromosikan kesedaran hak asasi rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak di Malaysia, Australia dan New Zealand.

Beliau berkata bahawa pada tahun 1963, kerajaan United Kingdom dengan tergesa-gesa telah memindahkan kuasa kedaulatan koloni-koloninya iaitu Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura kepada Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Malaya) dan selepas itu menukar namanya kepada "Malaysia" dibawah Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) yang merupakan perjanjian antarabangsa.

Ujarnya lagi, Perjanjian MA63 adalah terbatal dan tidak sah sejak dari awal permulaan lagi ia dibuat kerana telah melanggar asas perundangan antarabangsa termasuk prinsip perundangan yang mewajibkan bahawa hanya negara yang berdaulat (merdeka) sahaja yang mempunyai kapasiti untuk membuat perjanjian antarabangsa dan secara langsung telah melanggar Perjanjian Manila 1963 (Manila Accord 1963) serta Resolusi 1514 dan 1541 Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu. 

Kerajaan UK tidak pernah memberikan kemerdekaan sebenar kepada 2 koloni dan Singapura mahupun kebenaran untuk membuat pilihan secara bebas melalui referendum tentang Malaysia apabila ia ditandatangani pada 9 Julai 1963. Meskipun jikalau MA63 telah dibuat secara sah, perpisahan Singapura daripada Malaysia pada tahun 1965 telah membatalkan MA63 dengan menghancurkan asas-asas untuk Sabah dan Sarawak masuk kedalam "Malaysia" yang mana ia telah distrukturkan oleh 4 komponen Negara-negara ini. Sebaliknya 2 wilayah ini dihalang daripada meninggalkan dan sejak dari itu, rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak telah melihat peningkatan keatas kehilangan hak-hak serta kebebasan mereka yang telah dijamin oleh MA63. Kempen keatas hak-hak ini mengesahkan bahawa Kerajaan Persekutuan telah bertindak dengan niat jahat dengan melihat MA63 sebagai tidak terikat malah secara efektifnya menolak untuk menerima perjanjian ini dan secara tidak langsung ia tidak lagi terikat kepada Sabah dan Sarawak.

Selepas 55 tahun "pembentukkan Malaysia" janji-janji pembangunan dan kemajuan 2 wilayah ini dan terma-terma yang terkandung didalam MA63 tidak pernah dihormati sepenuh dengan seikhlasnya yang mana urusan dalaman dan sumber-sumber asli (terutama minyak dan gas) diletakkan dibawah kawalan langsung Persekutuan. Apa yang ironinya, kedua-dua "Negara" ini menjadi tersangat miskin didalam Persekutuan sebab kekayaan sumber-sumber aslinya diambil daripada hak rakyat dan negara, disalurkan keluar untuk memajukan tanah besar di negeri-negeri Malaya. Sabah dan Sarawak menjadi Koloni yang bergantung kepada Malaya (colonial dependencies of Malaya).

Sejak itu, suara rakyat selalu didiamkan secara kasar dengan memenjarakan pengkritik menggunakan undang-undang anti hak asasi manusia. Walaupun Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) telah dimansuhkan bersama-sama dengan beberapa "state of emergency declaration" dari tahun 1948, namun ia telah digantikan dengan beberapa undang-undang yang yang lebih ketat.

Walaupun demikian, situasi ini berubah secara dramatik sejak kebelakangan ini melalui kebangkitan gerakan popular Sabah Sarawak untuk negara dan hak-hak asasi manusia. Perkembangan ini telah memberikan tekanan kepada kerajaan Sarawak untuk memaksa hak-hak Kerajaan Sarawak dikembalikan dari kerajaan persekutuan setelah sekian lama hak-hak itu diambil. Selari dengan perkembangan dan gerakan di tanah air untuk keadilan sosial serta penentuan sendiri, SSRANZ akan menyokong usaha rakyat yang selama ini mencari penyelesaian untuk mengembalikan hak-ak dan kebebasan mereka.

En.Robert menyimpulkan bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak berkongsikan sejarah dan budaya yang hampir sama, dan SSRANZ akan bekerjasama dengan semua organisasi Sabah dan Sarawak serta orang-orang yang mempunyai inspirasi dan matlamat masa depan serupa untuk penentuan sendiri. Moto kepada organisasi baru ini ialah Masa "Depan Adalah Matlamat Kami".

KOTA KINABALU, 4 Ogos 2017: Satu lagi laporan polis telah dibuat terhadap seorang rakyat Sarawak yang bernama Zulfaqar Sa'adi kerana telah menghina adat istiadat rakyat Sabah.

Ini telah menjadikan jumlah laporan polis yang telah dibuat keatasnya adalah sebanyak dua kali ditempat balai polis yang berbeza. 

Laporan pertama dibuat pada 20 Julai 2017 di Balai Polis Karamunsing Kota Kinabalu dan laporan kedua pada 29 Julai 2017 di Balai Polis Kinarut Papar. Ini telah menjadikan jumlah laporan polis yang telah dibuat keatasnya adalah sebanyak dua kali.

Sementara itu, satu laporan polis juga telah dibuat pada 25 Julai 2017 di Balai Polis Kota Marudu oleh Malangkit @ Felix Bin Kain keatas seorang penceramah Perjanjian Malaysia yang bernama Zainnal Ajamain kerana kenyataannya yang keterlaluan didalam Facebook telah mengundang kemarahaan orang Sabah.

Aduan keatas Zainnal Ajamain kini akan dirujuk kepada pihak Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM).

Difahamkan kedua-dua individu ini iaitu Zulfaqar Sa'adi dan Zainnal Ajamain kerap kali memperlekehkan usaha pemimpin-pemimpin didalam Gabungan Sabah.

Seorang aktivis Sabah yang telah membuat laporan pertama keatas Zulfaqar Sa'adi yang bernama Milin Biok Junior memberitahu Bobohizan Press bahawa beliau memohon untuk rakyat Sabah bersama-sama dengannya untuk menguatkan kecaman keatas individu yang telah menghina adat istiadat Sabah ini agar aduan tentang penghinaan ini akan mendapat perhatian yang serius oleh SKMM dan juga Makhamah Anak Negeri Sabah.

Tambahan beliau, "jangan biarkan satu sahaja laporan polis dibuat tetapi jalankanlah tanggungjawab untuk membela adat istiadat Tamadun bangsa Sabah untuk kebaikan bersama. Adat istiadat bangsa Sabah adalah nilai maruah kita dan jangan biarkan ia dipersendakan ataupun dihina maruah kita sebagai anak bangsa sejati yang berjiwa Sabahan. Jangan menuding jari keatas orang lain jika mereka terus memperlekehkan kita, jikalau anda mengabaikan maruah bangsa dan adat istiadat kita sendiri. Saya sudah melakukan tanggungjawab ini, jadi anda pula bila ingin bersama-sama melakukan? 

Laporan disampaikan oleh Bobohizan Press

Sebuah gambar yang dikongsikan oleh seorang aktivis SSKM-SSU(UK) yang bernama Doris Jones merupakan satu resit kad pengenalan sementara yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Ketua Menteri Sabah kepada warga asing.

Rakyat Sabah tertanya-tanya tentang kuasa apakah yang dimiliki oleh Jabatan Ketua Menteri Sabah sehingga mempunyai kuasa untuk berbuat demikian.

Dimanakah tindakan Jabatan Imigresen Sabah serta Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dalam menangani isu ini?

Jabatan Ketua Menteri Sabah mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk memberikan penjelasan berhubung dengan perkara ini dan tidak boleh sesekali memilih untuk mendiamkan isu ini.

Amanah telah diberikan oleh rakyat agar Kerajaan yang mentadbir Sabah ini seharusnya memberikan keutamaan kepada rakyat Sabah.

Tindakan seperti ini memperlihatkan kewibawaan pentadbiran kerajaan Sabah dibawah parti UMNO-BN akan terjejas kerana telah mewujudkan persepsi negatif bahawa perlindungan terhadap warga asing dengan pemberian kad pengenalan sementara dilakukan untuk tujuan pilihanraya nanti.

30 Julai 2017, Papar Sabah.

1. Sebelum terlibat dalam dunia politik, saya telah menjadi seorang penulis sejak di bangku sekolah dan akhirnya ketika bergelar seorang guru, saya telah menganggotai sebuah persatuan sastera tertua di Sabah sebagai ahli seumur hidup. Malah terpilih pula sebagai salah seorang Ahli Jawatankuasa Tertinggi. Saya telah pun menerbitkan sebuah buku kumpulan puisi pada tahun ini dan masih aktif menulis genre cerpen untuk diterbitkan sebagai sebuah kumpulan cerpen dalam masa terdekat.

2. Bidang sastera dan penulisan merupakan satu perkara yang saya minati dan tekuni. Tema yang saya olah dalam penulisan bersifat terbuka dan mencakupi pelbagai aspek kehidupan. Oleh sebab itu, dalam dunia sastera dan penulisan, saya tidak membataskan pergaulan saya dengan kelompok yang mempunyai perbezaan agama, budaya dan ideologi politik. Walaupun setelah saya terlibat dalam bidang politik, perkara ini masih saya teruskan seperti biasa kerana saya impikan masyarakat kita akan menjadi matang, bijak dan bersikap professional dalam memberikan perspektif terhadap sesuatu perkara yang tidak sepatutnya dicampuraduk semata-mata atas nama politik.

3. Namun bagi Gabungan Sabah (GS) khususnya pejuang alam maya, mereka kehilangan keupayaan untuk memberikan tafsiran berbeza dan melihat individu yang terlibat di dalam politik, tidak lagi boleh menjadi penulis atau menganggotai persatuan sastera. Mereka telah dibutakan oleh kebencian melampau dan mendidik diri mereka menjadi ekstrimis politik demi mencapai tujuan dengan menghalalkan segala cara sekalipun mereka menyedari isu yang mereka timbulkan itu merupakan isu yang tidak berasas dan sekadar memperlihatkan betapa tidak cerdiknya mereka.

4. Suatu ketika yang lalu, saya memberikan pandangan saya bahawa terdapatnya pemimpin dalam Gabungan Sabah yang MESRA BN. Apa yang saya maksudkan itu sudah tentu berkisar dalam ruang lingkup politik. Saya tidak akan sebutkan mereka mesra BN hanya kerana menghadiri rumah terbuka Kaamatan, Krismas atau Hari Raya. Saya tegaskan dengan menyebutkan secara jelas penglibatan pemimpin GS dalam satu kumpulan yang diketuai oleh pemimpin UMNO iaitu Mysabah. Pemimpin GS dan pemimpin UMNO dalam Mysabah saling mengenali antara satu sama lain. Bahkan perkara yang mereka bicangkan juga adalah perkara-perkara yang dicetuskan dalam ruang lingkup politik. Bahkan ada juga pemimpin dalam GS yang telah menemui Perdana Menteri, juga membawa bahan yang dihebohkan dalam dunia politik sekalipun mereka menegaskan ia adalah berkaitan hak Sabah.

5. Namun begitu, siapakah di antara orang Sabah yang dapat menafikan bahawa cerita HAK SABAH merupakan sebuah produk politik paling hangat ketika ini? Apakah kita benar-benar percaya ia dilakukan tanpa niat politik? Sebenarnya ia bukan lagi soal niat politik tetapi jelas ia dilakukan dalam konteks dan bahasa politik walau apa pun alasan yang diberikan. Sekurang-kurangnya, kenyataan saya bahawa kepimpinan GS ini adalah mesra BN, disokong oleh hujah dan fakta perbandingan yang logik. Berbeza dengan apa yang saya lakukan dengan menyokong persatuan sastera yang saya anggotai. Saya hanya menghadiri majlis pelancaran buku kelolaan persatuan ini yang disempurnakan oleh Ketua Menteri. Ketua Menteri tidak kenal saya apatah lagi untuk bercakap hal politik dengan saya. Pertemuan itu juga bukanlah sesuatu yang dirancang seperti pertemuan pemimpin GS dan pemimpin UMNO dalam Mysabah atau pertemuan seorang pemimpin GS dengan Perdana Menteri.

6. Ironinya, gambar- gambar saya di majlis itu telah diviralkan dengan cubaan memberikan gambaran bahawa saya juga mesra BN sedangkan mereka cukup tahu bahawa ia adalah satu majlis berkaitan sastera dan penulisan. Begitu ghairah dan jahat cara berpolitik pejuang alam maya penyokong GS ini. Apakah cara politik sebegini yang bakal kita wariskan kepada anak Sabah? Saya bimbang, dengan pembawaan politik sebegini, Sabahan akan didoktrinasikan oleh politik tanpa fakta dan bersifat emosi melulu dan ia bakal merosakkan Sabah lebih teruk daripada apa yang berlaku hari ini.

7. Jika kita sayang Sabah, kita sepatutnya bermula dengan cara berpolitik yang matang, berfakta dan berintegriti dan bukannya isu tangkap muat tanpa alur pemikiran yang jelas semata-mata kerana emosi yang meluap-luap. Apa pun, saya ucapkan tahniah kepada GS kerana telah berjaya menjadi sebahagian daripada cybertrooper BN yang paling hebat dalam sejarah. BN tidak perlu berkerja keras lagi kerana GS telah menyempurnakan impian mereka untuk merosakkan karektor kepimpinan pembangkang tulin yang benar-benar mahukan perubahan rejim melalui jalan politik yang jelas, penuh hujah berfakta dan bermaruah
Ingat GS ingat BN! Tolak GS Tolak BN!

Hasmin Azroy Abdullah,
Ketua Ikatan Muda PCS Nasional.

It is estimated that more than half of the global population consider themselves association football (soccer) followers.

Different sports are played all over the world, whether as hobbies, careers, or as a part of fitness regimens. Various games have grown in popularity to amass a huge following across the world. The rules and characteristics of these games are dynamic and are governed by international bodies.
Most of these sports are included in the Olympic Games, where different countries from all around the world compete against each other. The sports are also lucrative industries, generating billions of dollars in revenues, especially in developed countries.

10. Golf: Golf has an estimated global following of 450 Million people, and its primary influence is in Western Europe, East Asia, and North America. Golf is played by use of different clubs to hit a ball, over a determined course, using the fewest possible amount of strokes. The modern sport was first played in Scotland from where it spread to the UK and to the rest of the world.

9. Rugby: Rugby has its primary sphere of influence in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, and an estimated global following of 475 Million people. The foundation of the modern day sport was laid out in medieval England. From the UK, it spread to British colonies such as Australia and New Zealand. The sport is played by two teams of 15 players each, who carry, kick or pass a ball across the end line to score points.

8. Baseball: Baseball has an estimated 500 Million global followers and enjoys its highest levels of popularity in the United States, the Caribbean, and Japan. The sport is a bat and ball sport involving two teams of nine players each, who participate in batting and fielding to earn points. Different versions of the sport were played in the US before it gained nationwide popularity in the 19th Century. From the US, the sport spread to other parts of the world and evolved to the modern game as played today.

7. Basketball: Basketball boasts of having an estimated 825 million followers worldwide, and a global sphere of influence. The sport was invented by Dr. James Naismith in 1891 in Massachusetts, United States. He created it as an alternative to football since the sport could be played indoors and had less potential to cause accidents. The sport is played by two teams of five players each, where the goal is to successfully shoot the ball through a hoop elevated 10 feet from the ground.

6. Table Tennis: Table Tennis enjoys a global sphere of influence and has an estimated 875 million followers worldwide. The sport began in the 19th Century in England as a miniature version of the sports lawn tennis. The sport became widely referred to as "Ping Pong". The modern sport involves two teams of between two to four players, hitting a lightweight ball over a net on a hard table, by use of rackets. Formidable global countries in the sport include South Korea, Sweden, and China.

5. Volleyball: The primary influence of volleyball is seen in Western Europe and North America, and the sport has an estimated global following of 900 million fans. The sport was invented in the US by William G. Morgan in 1895. He was part of the Young Men’s Christian Association as an instructor, and he borrowed from basketball, tennis, handball and baseball’s elements. The sport has evolved over the years to the modern day sport, characterized by two teams of 6 players each who throw a ball over a net.

4. Tennis: Tennis has an estimated global following of 1 Billion fans and a global sphere of influence. Different versions of the sport are believed to have been played by the Egyptians, Romans and the Greeks, although the modern sport was first popularized in France. From France, it spread to other parts of Europe and eventually to the whole world. The sport is played by two teams of either one or two players each and involves bouncing a ball over a net by use of tennis rackets. Points are earned when the opponent does not throw back the ball in the predetermined dimensions of the rectangular court.

3. Field Hockey: Field hockey has an estimated global following of 2 Billion fans and sees its primary sphere of influence in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The contemporary field hockey sport was first played in England in the 1800s. The game is mostly similar to soccer except that the players use sticks to drive the ball instead of feet. The sport is widely played in India, Australia, and Pakistan, whose teams are formidable on the in the sport.

2. Cricket: Cricket has a 2.5 Billion person estimated global following, and its primary sphere of influence is in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries. The cradle of the sport was the 16th Century England and it was made a national sport in the 18th Century in the country. The sport is characterized by two teams of eleven players each, where each team attempts to score the most runs. The sport is overwhelmingly popular in former British colonies such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Australia.

1. Association Football (Soccer): It is estimated that more than half of the world's population consider themselves to be association football (soccer) fans. The sport enjoys an estimated 4.0 billion person following, and a global sphere of influence. Ancient soccer has been traced to China, as early as the 2nd Century. The Romans, Greeks, and Japanese have also been thought as possible first players of the sport. Contemporary soccer began in England, where it amassed considerable interest and spread to other parts of the world. The sport is more popular in Europe and Americas than in any other continent. The sport is characterized by two teams of eleven player and two goals. The objective of the sport is to drive a ball into the goal defended by the opponent team.

Source: Worldatlas

LONDON: Allowing free movement of people after Britain leaves the EU would not “keep faith” with the Brexit vote, the international trade secretary said, underling divisions in the government over the issue. Liam Fox told the Sunday Times that senior government ministers had not reached a consensus on retaining free movement of people for a transitional period, a proposal outlined by finance minister Philip Hammond on Friday. 

Hammond had said there should be no immediate changes to immigration or trading rules when UK leaves the EU in March 2019, and the status quo could endure until mid-2022. “If there have been discussions on that, I have not been party to them,” Fox told the newspaper. “I have not been involved in any discussion on that, nor have I signified my agreement to anything like that.” Divisions between ministers over Brexit strategy have become more open after Prime Minister May lost her majority in an early election she called in June. With May away on holiday, the debate has intensified. 

Hammond has led a push within the government to secure a business friendly Brexit that avoids a sudden change in 2019 in the relationship between Britain and the EU, which buys nearly half the country’s exports. Fox had previously said he backed a transition agreement to smooth Britain’s exit from the trading bloc, but on Sunday he indicated that free movement should not continue. “We made it clear that control of our own borders was one of the elements we wanted in the referendum, and unregulat .. 


Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) group was established on 2011 August, 9 approximately at 3.25pm, Tuesday, on Facebook. The Founder of this group is Doris Jones, a Sabahan-born Para Legal UK-based. The group started off with a small number of supporters, eventually gained more than a 10,000 online supporters and followers within a few months after its establishment.

In 2012, the SSKM online group was hacked by an unidentified individual, assumed to have the intention of crippling down SSKM movement and idea. However, such puny sabotage has done nothing but fueling the spirit of SSKM existing supporters. A new Facebook page was created immediately after, going by the same name of the previous hacked page. Since then, approval of group-joining requests has been strictly monitored. Facebook accounts which are deemed fake or “too secretive” has been banned from joining the group i.e; Facebook accounts with no proper profile picture, or fake names. The approvals of members were also been restricted to citizens of Sabah and Sarawak.

Since its establishment, SSKM garnered both supporters and opposes. Threats, negative remarks, and misleading false accusations were given from opposing public as well as NGOs, including some local leaders from the ruling government and also oppositions. But the spirit and focus of the group were never shaken but instead SSKM continued to move further forward. 

In August 2013, SSKM has been officially registered under a new Non-Government Organization based in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) by the name of Sabah Sarawak Union - UK (SSU-UK).

On September 2014, the Government of Malaya, who has been masquerading as the Government of The Federation of Malaysia for 51 years, has officially and publicly acknowledge the existence of SSKM Group and has been denouncing SSKM in the social media constantly, aggressively. However, SSKM Group considered this as a free promotion for the group into the awareness of the public in Federation of Malaysia, as well as to the whole world. Since then, SSKM gained further public attention and began to move more publicly and vocally.

Shaken, the Malayan Government published a remark, accusing SSKM Group as being a “Separatist Movement”. However, SSKM continued to gain further support from the citizens of the Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak, with applications to join the group poured in endlessly. This in turn has given a clear message that there are a larger number of concerned citizen who have seen the flaws in the Malaysian Agreement and that Federal Government have failed to obey the original concept of the federation.

The BEST OPTION for Bornean is a True Independence!

Sabah and Sarawak has been governed under the current Administration since 1963. That was the year Malaysia was born and sadly, that was a new beginning of political slavery that took place in these two promising lands. Sabah and Sarawak were seen and mentioned by the current Administration as their fix deposits which they gain in terms of political "interest" during Election time has taken their natives, people and produce for granted.

Such blessed soil that produces crops such as Palm Oil and Rubber should have converted into massive developments for the locals in both States especially when the commodity prices escalates over the years. However, the sad and horrible Truth is that the People were left and abandon from further developments. Education systems that continue to suppres the creativity minds of the people in fear that the future generations might wake up one day to fight for what was theirs in the very FIRST PLACE. The SALCRA programs for both States were designed to keep generations of natives and locals as their working horse while they cash in by making millions individually. Individuals gain immeasurable wealth at the expense of these ignorant and innocent people. The current NEP system and policies have given birth to a crippled nation in these two States.

We are here to provide a platform for anyone who wishes to share and provide timely information on why Sabah and Sarawak should have its Independence. Their inclusion into Malaysia in 1963, were due to the generosity by the British Government. (The Brookes family seceded Sarawak to British in 1948). By right, these two States were not for anyone to give it to Malaya. Let us criticize or suggest constructively on how and why these two deserving States should have its own Government.

Source: SSU-UK

Orangutan at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre.
1. SPOT: ORANG-UTANS Orang-utans are the number one stars of Sabah, one of two (along with Sarawak) Malaysian states on Borneo, the world's third largest island. Certainly, any visit to Borneo would be utterly incomplete without some sort of viewing of these remarkable creatures, which share an incredibly similar degree of DNA as that of humans. Here in Sabah you can view orang-utans, which in Malay means "man of the jungle" close-up at a respected rehabilitation centre or in the wild in areas such as along the Kinabatangan River or the densely vegetated Danum Valley.

2. SEE: RAINFORESTS One of the most extraordinary and underrated places on the planet, Borneo – just a 2½- hour flight from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore – is home to the world's oldest rainforests – and the most threatened. These forests, or what's left of them, represent the highest biodiversity density on earth. They're home to a myriad of rare and endangered wildlife species, most, if not all, of which may no longer exist in the near future – so get your walking boots and mosquito net on.

3. EXPLORE: KINABATANGAN RIVER The majority of visitors to Borneo encounter the island's fascinating wildlife at conservation centres rather than venturing into the distant yet relatively easy-to-access jungles of the island. One of the best places to see wildlife in abundant numbers is along the Kinabatangan River, a few hours high-speed boat ride from Sandakan, Sabah's second city. At 560 kilometres in length, the Kinabatangan is Borneo's longest river with animals driven to the forest lined along it by loss of habitat due to the march of development and deforestation. See tourism.gov.my; sabahtourism.com

Agnes Keith Colonial Style House, Sandakan, Sabah. Photo: Alamy
4. VISIT: SEPILOK​ ORANG-UTAN REHABILITATION CENTRE One of the most popular tourist destinations in Borneo, the Sepilok Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre is an essential stop for all visitors to Sabah, even if you're taking a proper jungle or river safari trip to see the creatures in their wild state. This respected, government-run centre, located near Sandakan, is built within a forest with visitors viewing the rust-coloured primates in the trees from the vantage point of eco-friendly boardwalks leading to special galleries and feeding platforms. See sabahtourism.com 

5. VISIT: BORNEAN SUN BEAR CONSERVATION CENTRE The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre – next door to the Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre – was only recently opened to the public, having previously operated as a private facility. The Conservation Centre's mission is to rescue these delightful creatures – the smallest species of bear on the planet with a distinctive gold stripe on its chest – from the effects of deforestation, commercial hunting and the pet trade. See bsbcc.org.my

*6. STAY: SUKAU​ RAINFOREST LODGE The only Malaysian member of National Geographic's prestigious Unique Lodges of the World collection, this eco-lodge may be short on five-star luxuries but not on extraordinary opportunities to view Borneo's remarkable mammals, reptiles (including crocodiles) and birds in the wild. Guests here can head out on day and night open boat-tours conducted by expert Malaysian guides with an uncanny ability to spot wildlife and there's also a See sukau.com; nationalgeographiclodges.com

7. SPOT: BIRDLIFE Sabah, and for the matter the whole of Borneo, is a paradise for twitchers with more than 700 resident migratory and endemic bird species calling the island home for some time of the year. And even if you're not a birdwatcher you'll be amazed by the diversity and abundance of species. The most distinctive of them is the hornbill, named after its strange helmet-like feature above its beak. There are no less than eight species of hornbill on Borneo. See borneobirdfestival.com

8. SEE: KOTA KINABALU The biggest and most cosmopolitan city in Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, once known as Jesselton in its British colonial era days, is also the main entry point by air to Sabah from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Head to the hills, a short distance from the city centre, to the Signal Hill Observatory Platform, Kota Kinabalu's highest point, where you'll enjoy views of the city and outlying islands spread along the coast. See sabahtourism.com

9. STAY: GAYA ISLAND RESORT If you've been sweating it out in the jungles or mountains – or both – of Borneo for a few days or more, you'll value the luxuries offered by this excellent, 120 villa five-star resort. It's just a zippy boat-ride off the coast from Kota Kinabalu but you'd hardly know you were close to a major city. It's a perfect and indulgent choice before flying out of Kota Kinabalu to KL or Singapore. See gayaislandresort.com 

10. VISIT: AGNES KEITH HOUSE Unlike mainland Malaysia, Sabah is noticeably free of colonial-style architecture, with much of it destroyed by Allied bombing in World War II. But there's always this house, perched atop a hill a short distance from Sandakan, that was rebuilt soon after World War II and which is now a museum. It was the home of Englishman Harry Keith and his American wife Agnes, author of the book, Land Below the Wind, which has become a motto for Sabah. Hollywood filmed Three Came Home, another of Keith's works, into a movie starring Claudette Colbert. See museum.sabah.gov.my

11. SEE: PROBOSCIS MONKEYS Orang-utans are understandably the star attraction in Sabah but the proboscis monkey deserves, though fails to receive, as much attention. Then again, it's not the prettiest of primates, receiving its name as a result of the extraordinary long noses of the males (females have smaller snouts). Despite their endangered status, proboscis monkeys can be encountered in deceptively large numbers in trees along the banks of the Kinabatangan River. See sukau.com 

12. VISIT: DANUM VALLEY CONSERVATION AREA Regarded as of the world's most complex ecosystems and an alternative to the Kinabatangan River, this remote forest region in south-eastern Sabah is home to a host of endangered wildlife including pygmy elephants, clouded leopards, orang-utans and proboscis monkeys. See sabahtourism.com

Bornean Sun Bear relaxing. Photo: Alamy
13. SPOT: PYGMY ELEPHANT Yes, as the name suggests, these are the world's smallest pachyderms and a sighting of them in the wild is among the most rewarding experiences that can be enjoyed by visitors to Borneo. Yet another endangered Bornean species, they can be best sighted by boat on a guided eco-tour along the Kinabatangan River, where they come to bathe and water. See wwf.org.au

14. STAY: SANDAKAN There's not a lot to see in Sandakan. It's a scruffy service town forever remembered for its association with the eponymous notorious World War II death marches inflicted by the Japanese on Allied prisoners of war. But it's the most suitable staging point if you're planning to visit the orang-utan and sunbear conservation centres or if venturing up the Kinabatangan  River. The best digs is the Four Points by Sheraton, right on the waterfront. See sabahtourism.com; fourpointssandakan.com.

15. WALK: AUSTRALIA PLACE When you're in Kota Kinabalu take time to stroll around this area or take a guided heritage walk of it an colonial Kota Kinabalu as a whole. Australia Place, as locals still informally call it, located just below Signal Hill (see below) is the site of an Australian army camp during World War II. Today the area is full of backpacker hostels, shops and police barracks but it's worth checking out. See kkheritagewalk.com 

Gaya island resort Sabah Borneo. Photo: Alamy
16. CLIMB: MOUNT KINABALU Sabah's most sacred, prominent and popular natural attraction, the 4095 metres high Mount Kinabalu – the tallest peak in south-east Asia is popular with walkers and climbers from the whole region. However, at the time of writing, activities were temporarily suspended due to an earthquake earlier this year. Keep an eye on the official tourism websites for updates on when the peak will be reopened to the public. See sabahtourism.com   

17. SEE: PALM OIL PLANTATIONS One of the least attractive, and definitely saddest, sights in Sabah, these plantations nowadays proliferate in Sabah and Borneo as a whole. Their spread poses one of the biggest threats to the island's eco-system, including its unique wildlife, as forests continue to be clear-felled to make way for the planting of trees for palm oil, a lucrative commodity which is used in products as diverse as lipstick and ice-cream. See wwf.org.au

18. SPOT: THE LESSER MOUSE DEER From its pygmy elephants to its virtually extinct rhinos, Borneo boasts many of the smallest species of animals in the world. Among them is the lesser mouse deer, also known as the lesser oriental chevrotain, the world's smallest of hoofed-mammals. The diet of this tiny animal, distinguished by its slender legs, is comprised of leaves, shoots, fungi and fruit with one the best times to try and spot being at night during their foraging forays. See wwf.org.au

Pygmy elephant playing. Photo: Alamy
19. EXPERIENCE: BORNEO ECO TOURS Owned by the same company as the Sukau Rainforest Lodge (see above), Borneo Eco Tours is a professional outfit which runs environmentally-friendly tours to all corners of Sabah, as well as to to the neighbouring state of Sarawak and the tiny nation of Brunei elsewhere on the island. Aside from its world-class rainforests, Sabah is also renowned a haven for diving, a pursuit around which Borneo Eco Tours can easily organise itineraries. See borneoecotours.com

20. VISIT: TURTLE ISLAND PARK The roll-call of wildlife in Sabah, and off its coastline, is endless. Located 40 kilometres north of Sandakan in the Sulu Sea, Turtle Island Park is a sanctuary for endangered green and hawksbill turtles with visitors to the park having the opportunity to observe their landings. The island is also home to a turtle hatchery and accommodation with basic facilities. See turtleislandborneo.com

Source: Traveller

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